Saturday, August 30, 2014

Disneyland 5k

Hey all!

Sorry, I meant to blog yesterday while we were driving back to Utah, but instead I fell asleep for awhile, and got caught in the audiobook for the rest. So here is the race recap!

The start line/stage!

I woke up at 4am to get ready for the race. My whole family, apart from my dad who had to work, was running it! 

Pre-Race Selfie with my mom and sisters

First we had to walk a really, really long way to get to the start line. My mom said it was a little over a mile. And then we waited for the start. There were only 3 corrals for this race and we were in the third and largest corral. This caused a little bit of congestion throughout the race. 

First park sighting of the race. Carsland!

As I was running this one race, I couldn't help but compare it to the 5k from the Tinkerbell Weekend. And I have to say I liked the Tink course better. Because in that race we started and finished in the parks. In this one it felt like we were just briefly in both parks. 

Main Street USA!

And let's face it, the really reason we pay as much as we do for the Disney events is to be in the parks while we run. Not to say that this race was not fun, just that I would have liked to be in the parks a little more. 

Finish line! Almost there!

Now, Disney does treat you the best after a race.  They make you feel like you really accomplished something. And you just finished a race so you did! There are thousands and thousands of people who didn't or wouldn't finish even just a 5k. 

Post Race Selfie with my Mom!

I don't have a very accurate time for how long it took us because my mom's app didn't really start when we did. But it wasn't very fast because we were stuck in lots of traffic and my legs were just so not feeling it this time! 

Race Goodies

Well, there's my thoughts on the race. Did anyone else run it? What did you think?

I wish I was still there!

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